Silsoe Pre-School Fundraising


As a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 1029828) we regularly try to raise money to fund new play equipment and learning resources for our Pre-School.


Here are some examples of some of the things we’ve been able to do as a result of our fundraising efforts:

  • We have refurbished our book zone & quiet corner
  • We spent £400 on new books for our library with monies raised from a sponsored listen 
  • We have purchased new puzzles, games and toys for indoor play 
  • We have purchased a small den to use as a communication friendly space and encourage speech and language development
  • Our summer trips are supported by fundraising income
  • Invited Lindy Lou in to session for fun musical parties
  • We had chicks in setting and watched them hatch from eggs
  • We’ve also raised money for other charities which benefit children including Barnardo’s, Save the Children Xmas Jumper appeal, BBC Children and Need,  Jeans for Genes and Red Nose Day.

There are a number of ways that you can help:

  • By attending and supporting our fundraising events throughout the year. This is by far our most important and successful way of raising funds and you can help by giving up your time to help on the day and/or donating raffle prizes and cakes to sell.
  • Join our Committee to help with fundraising activities.
  • Purchase your child’s Pre-School photograph; Pre-School receives a small amount of commission from all monies taken.