SEND & The Local Offer

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)


Local authorities publish information on services and provision across education, health and social care for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and carers to see more clearly what services are available for children with SEND in their area and how to access them. For details on the Central Bedfordshire Council Local Offer visit Central Bedfordshire SEND Local Offer


The following information forms our local offer and shows how Silsoe Pre-School provide care and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities.


At Silsoe Pre-School we are committed to providing additional support when needed and have an environment which enables all children to reach their full potential and achieve throughout their learning journey. 


What is the role of the SENDCO?


We have a designated Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) within our setting, Haley Ramsay, and their responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring and reviewing our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary making adjustments
  • Co-ordinating and monitoring specific support and strategies for individual children with special educational needs
  • Regular liaison within the team to monitor progress and plan the next steps for each child’s development
  • Working in partnership with parents/carers and other external agencies to meet the individual needs of each child

How will the setting prepare to support my child?

  • We hold regular open days and can arrange an individual visit to view our facilities and speak to staff
  • We will develop positive two-way communication and build good relationships through the settling in process.  We want you to feel comfortable sharing information about the strengths and needs of your child and together we will agree how we can provide support to ensure that you and your child feel happy and safe with us
  • Where necessary, meetings will take place with other professionals prior to your child starting in the setting
  • We will ensure that Health Care Plans are in place and that staff have received relevant training e.g. Epipen training
  • Risk assessments will be carried out to ensure that children will have access to all activities

How does the Pre-School identify that my child needs extra support?

  • Each child has their own key person who works closely with you and your child and they may identify an individual need, change in behaviour or self-esteem
  • You or other family members or carers may identify a specific need, which you can discuss confidentially with our SENDCO and/or your key person.
  • Reports from healthcare professionals may identify a child’s individual needs and we will include these in your child’s learning and development plans
  • Progress checks at 2 years of age may highlight areas of delayed development
  • Ongoing observational assessments are made against the stages of development as outlined in the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Observations are recorded in each child’s Evidence Me profile and are regularly shared with parents

How do we support your child?

  • Our SENDCO will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using a written SEND Plan, or an EHCP. This may include additional professional support from external agencies or one to one sessions with your child.
  • The programme is regularly reviewed in partnership with you to monitor its effectiveness
  • We may be able to access additional funding to help support your child
  • If appropriate specialist equipment will be provided e.g. pencil grips, scissors, visual timetables etc.
  • Our staff have attended training to meet specific individual needs and will attend further training if necessary
  • All documentation is kept in the child’s file in a locked filing cabinet to ensure confidentiality

How will parents be involved?

  • We have an open door policy and positively encourage parental involvement
  • Your child’s key person may suggest ways you can support your child and explain the strategies being used in the setting
  • Parents/carers will be involved in putting SEND Plans in place specific to children’s needs
  • Regular meetings will monitor the effectiveness of individual programmes involving other professionals when needed

Who will be involved in my child’s learning?

  • Although initial contact will be with your child’s key person and SENDCO, all staff will be involved with your child’s education.
  • Information is shared daily and during regular staff meetings to ensure effective planning meets the individual needs of all children

How accessible is the setting?

  • The Pre-School classrooms are both on ground level and can be accessed easily from the main entrance & lobby doors
  • There is an accessible toilet with a handrail and changing facilities
  • Disabled parking is available within the Lower School car park
  • Policies are updated to show inclusive practice
  • Risk assessments ensure children have access to all activities

What specialist services do we offer?

  • We have regular contact with the following professionals who may be able to help: a speech & language therapist, Central Bedfordshire Council’s Childcare Development Officer, local Children’s Centre Staff and a SEND advisory teacher.
  • We signpost parents to family services which are available locally. For example speech and language drop in sessions and parenting classes available at local children’s centres or other services relevant to the parents of Pre-School children.
  • All staff are trained within EYFS guidelines
  • Staff have all received early years training and hold Paediatric First Aid Certificates or Emergency First Aid Certificates as per the EYFS framework
  • We run a speech and language (Lift off to Language) programme for children in the setting
  • Medicines are administered in strict accordance with our Administering Medicines Policy
  • Our staff have specific areas of responsibility within the setting e.g. health & safety, safeguarding etc. and they receive ongoing training to ensure that their knowledge is kept up to date. 
  • All practitioners are good positive role models and we ensure that flexible routines provide an environment that meets the needs of all of the children.

Moving to another school/setting

  • Transition meetings will take place and all documentation including SEND & EHCP Plans will be shared to ensure that there is continuity of care
  • Where practical, transition review meetings will take place to plan the transition of your child to their new setting
  • In partnership with you, receiving settings/schools will be invited to visit our Pre-School and observe your child.